Tour cancellato
Bowienet informa che tutte le date estive del tour sono state cancellate a causa del perdurare di alcuni problemi di salute di David Bowie. Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale: “Due to the continuing pain and extreme discomfort from a trapped/pinched nerve in his shoulder and to prevent possible further injury, David Bowie has been advised by his doctors to cancel his performances at the eleven remaining European dates throughout July. Due to the unpredictable nature of the condition and in an effort to give fans as much warning as possible, (and indeed, to aid promoters in finding a replacement headliner in time for the festival dates) David very reluctantly agreed to take the advice. David, and everybody involved with the tour, is very sorry for the hardship that this difficult decision may have caused. We realise that many of you will have lost money on non-refundable travel and festival tickets. But, anybody that knows David will understand that he doesn’t take these decisions lightly and I’m sure you all realise how bad he will be feeling about not being able to complete the tour. As I have said previously, thank you all for your kind words on the message boards and for your continued understanding that had there been an alternative to this course of action, it would have been taken“. |